Graduate Courses

NEUR 542: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Neuroscience I

  • FA24
Section Type Times Days Location Instructor
IAN LCD 04:00 PM - 05:15 PM MW 4269 Beckman Institute Tomaszycki, M
Description Introduction for graduate students to the breadth and inter-disciplinary nature of Neuroscience, and to the topic areas investigated broadly by faculty of the Neuroscience Program (NSP). The course emphasizes concepts and methods rather than facts, and includes discussions and career development lectures. Team taught by multiple NSP faculty, senior students and postdocs, the course covers topics on the evolution of the nervous system, and cognitive, behavioral and clinical neuroscience. Same as MCB 542 and PSYC 542. 2 graduate hours. No professional credit.
Equivalent To MCB 542
Credit Hours 2 hours
Syllabus PDF of Course Syllabus