400-level Courses

Course # Title/Description Hours ADV LAB SP FA SU Syllabus
MCB 400 Cancer Cell Biology
Offered odd numbered years only.
MCB 401 Cellular Physiology 3 ADV FA PDF
MCB 402 Sys & Integrative Physiology
Not offered spring 2025
MCB 406 Gene Expression & Regulation
Equivalent to: BIOC 406
MCB 408 Immunology 3 ADV FA PDF
MCB 410 Developmental Biology, Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine 3 ADV SP PDF
MCB 413 Endocrinology 3 ADV FA PDF
MCB 421 Microbial Genetics 3 ADV FA PDF
MCB 424 Microbial Biochemistry 3 ADV SP PDF
MCB 426 Bacterial Pathogenesis 3 ADV SP PDF
MCB 428 Microbial Pathogens Laboratory 2 ADV LAB FA PDF
MCB 430 Molecular Microbiology 3 ADV SP PDF
MCB 431 Microbial Physiology 3 ADV FA PDF
MCB 432 Computing in Molecular Biology 3 ADV FA PDF
MCB 435 Evolution of Infectious Disease 3 ADV SP PDF
MCB 436 Global Biosecurity 1 ADV FA PDF
MCB 442 Comparative Immunobiology
Equivalent to: ANSC 450, PATH 410
MCB 450 Introductory Biochemistry 3 SP FA SU PDF
MCB 460 Neuroanatomy Laboratory 2 ADV LAB SP FA PDF
MCB 461 Cell & Molecular Neuroscience
Equivalent to: NEUR 461
MCB 462 Integrative Neuroscience
Equivalent to: NEUR 462
MCB 465 Human Metabolic Disease 3 ADV SP PDF
MCB 466 Neuro & Molecular Pharmacology 3 ADV SP PDF
MCB 471 Cell Structure and Dynamics 3 ADV FA PDF
MCB 474 Genetic Disorders & Counseling 3 ADV FA PDF
MCB 480 Eukaryotic Cell Signaling 3 ADV SP PDF
MCB 492 Senior Thesis 3 to 5 SP FA SU
MCB 493 Special Topics Mol Cell Biol
See sections for details; only some are approved as ADV MCB (lecture) Courses.
CPP: Cancer Pathophysiology SP only; ADV MCB Course
EPI: Epigenetics FA only; ADV MCB Course
NMI: Neurobiology of Mental Illness SP only; ADV MCB Course
NOS: Neurobiology of Senses SP only; ADV MCB Course
PBC: Physical and Biological Chemistry FA only; ADV MCB Course
REM: Research Experience in Microbiology SP only; NOT an ADV MCB Lab, is ADV MCB Course
VIR: Virology FA only (not offered FA23); ADV MCB Course
1 to 4 ADV SP FA Link
BIOC 440 Physical Chemistry Principles 4 FA
BIOC 446 Physical Biochemistry
Equivalent to: CHEM 472, MCB 446
BIOC 455 Technqs Biochem & Biotech 4 ADV LAB SP FA PDF
BIOC 460 Biochemistry Senior Seminar 3 ADV FA PDF
BIOC 492 Senior Thesis 1 to 6 SP FA SU
BIOP 401 Introduction to Biophysics 3 ADV FA PDF
BIOP 432 Photosynthesis
Equivalent to: CPSC 489, IB 421
3 FA
BIOP 470 Computational Chemical Biology
Not currently being offered
3 or 4
NEUR 403 Memory and Amnesia
Equivalent to: PSYC 403
Only approved for students with catalog year prior to Fall 2016.
3 or 4 FA
NEUR 405 Cognitive Neuroscience 3 or 4 SP
NEUR 413 Advanced Neuropsychopharmacology
Equivalent to: PSYC 413
No longer an approved advanced course. Only approved as an ADV MCB course for students who took before 2022.
3 or 4 SP
NEUR 414 Brain, Learning, and Memory
Not offered spring 2024
3 or 4 ADV SP
NEUR 417 Neuroscience of Eating & Drinking 3 or 4 FA
NEUR 421 Principles of Psychophysiology 3 or 4 FA
NEUR 432 Genes and Behavior 3 SP
NEUR 433 Evolutionary Neuroscience 3 or 4 FA
NEUR 445 Cognitive Neuroscience Lab 4 SP
NEUR 450 Cognitive Psychophysiology 3 or 4 SP FA
NEUR 453 Cog Neuroscience of Vision 3 or 4 FA
NEUR 460 Evol of Intelligent Systems 4 FA
NEUR 461 Cell & Molecular Neuroscience 3 FA
NEUR 462 Integrative Neuroscience 3 SP