Graduate Courses

MCB 529: Special Topics in Cell and Developmental Biology

Section Type Times Days Location Instructor
GSD CNF 03:30 PM - 04:50 PM M 7 Burrill Hall Sokac, A
Graduate students will build skills to: (1) work in interdisciplinary and diverse teams; (2) orally communicate research findings; and (3) proactively advance their professional development towards a chosen career path. Emphasis will be placed on conducting original research with rigor and attention to societal impact, while also building transferrable professional skills. This holistic research training will prepare students to address pressing challenges of our time as they take their place in the modern STEM workforce.
Description Discussion of current topics of interest in higher eukaryotic cellular and molecular biology, development, neurobiology; seminar or lecture format. Topics vary. 1 to 4 graduate hours. No professional credit. Approved for Letter and S/U grading. May be repeated if topics vary, to a maximum of 8 hours. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Credit Hours 1 to 4 hours
Syllabus Course Syllabi