Lab News


January 2024: Sarah Lee (a MCB undergrad), Nicolette Amundsen (a MCB undergrad), Stephen Thomas (a BioE undergrad) have joined the Chung lab as  undergraduate researchers. Welcome!

February 2024: Prof Chung made it to the Fall 2023 List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students. Congratulations!

March 2024: Congratulations! Logan (a MCB undergrad) receives MCB summer research fellowship! Congratulations!

April 2024: Chung lab undergrads Emma has successfully submitted her senior thesis and has received “Highest Distinction” from the School of MCB and “the Howard S. Ducoff Award for Outstanding Senior Thesis” for her senior researchh thesis from the Dept of Molecular and Integrative Physiology. Congratulations!  Chung lab welcomes Dr. Tanveer Singh, a new postdoctoral fellow! MCB graduate research retreat: Chung lab grads (Hayden, Sahil) and undergrads (Emma) presented fantastic posters.

May 2024: Emma got accepted to multiple medical schools. She decided to go to University of Illinois Chicago School or Medicine. Congratulations! Andrea got accepted to multiple master programs in top institution. She decided to go to Washington University with scholarships. Congratulations! Ki has accepted to go to SIU Medical school. Congratulations!

July 2024: Hongyu (a MCB first year grad) is rotating in the Chung lab for 4 weeks. Welcome!


January 2023: Logan (a MCB undergrad) joins the Chung lab as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome!

February 2023: Prof Chung made it to the Fall 2022 List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students. Congratulations!

March 2023: Greg (a MIP grad)  submitted his second research paper on nanoparticles and successfully passed his thesis defense. Congratulations! Joseph (a MCB undergrad) receives MCB summer research fellowship! Congratulations!  Elly (our lab research intern) receives an offer to become a research technician at the Tuft University. Congratulations!

April 2023: Chung lab undergrads Archit and Anisha successfully submitted their senior thesis. Archit receives “the Howard S. Ducoff Award for Outstanding Senior Thesis” for his senior researchh thesis from Dept of Molecular and Integrative Physiology. Congratulations!  MCB graduate research retreat: Chung lab grad (Greg) and undergrads (Emma, Anisha, and Archit) present fantastic posters. Please check out some photos!

June 2023: Greg has accepted a postdoctoral position at Dr. Jubau Duan’s laboratory at Northshore health systems of U. Chicago. Dr. Duan’s lab studies psychiatric genetics. Greg will start his new position in September. Graham got accepted to Wright State University Medical School in Dayton Ohio. Congratulations! Ki  (he/his, a recent MCB graduate with the highest distinction for undergraduate research) has joined our lab as a research technician. Andrea (she/her, a math undergrad) joined our summer research intern. Welcome!

August 2023: Archit got accepted to the Rosalind Franklin medical school in Chicago. Congratulations!  Thaddaeus Newerkla (he/him) is an exchange student from Technical University Vienna and be a research intern for the Fall Term 2023. Welcome! Sahil Malpotra, MS is a new Neuroscience graduate student who will join our lab. He has an extensive research background and has previously worked in the industry. Welcome!

Nov 2023: The manuscript on our collaborative research with Dr. Hyunjoon Kong’s lab has been accepted to Nano Letters!  This manuscript titled “Intracerebral Nanoparticle Transport Facilitated by Alzheimer Pathology and Age” was co-led by Greg Tracy (our recent PhD from our lab) and Kaiyu Huang (a graduate student from Dr. Hyunjoon Kong’s lab). Our current lab members, Ki Lim and Hayden Noblet, also worked hard on the revision of this project. Congratulations!!!

Dec 2023: Thaddaeus Newerkla(he/him) has successfully complete his research intern for the Fall Term 2023 and got accepted to the graduate school in Vienna. Congratulations and we will miss you!


January 2022: Chung lab undergrad Archit has been selected to receive one of seven Mayo Clinic Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) reserved for University of Illinois students at the Mayo Clinic. Congratulations!

February 2022: Jenny (a NSP grad in our lab)’s research on the effects of TC-2153 on seizures and neuronal excitability got accepted to Epilepsia journal. Jenny shared her co-first authorship with Eung Chang Kim. Congratulations!

February 2022: Brian (a NSP grad in our lab) has successfully defended his thesis. Congratulations, Dr. Brian Baculis!

March 2022: Jenny (a NSP grad in our lab) has successfully passed her preliminary examination. Congratulations!

March 2022: Chung lab undergrad Angelina has accepted the clinical research position at the Mayo Clinic. Congratulations!

April 2022: Chung lab undergrad Emma receives the prestigious MCB summer undergraduate fellowship award. Congratulations!

May 2022: Chung lab undergrad Angelina graduates with Highest Distinction for her senior thesis. In addition, she also receives “C. Ladd Prosser Outstanding Achievement Award” for her senior thesis from Dept of Molecular and Integrative Physiology. Congratulations!

May 2022: Greg (a MIP grad in our lab) has successfully passed his preliminary examination. Congratulations!

May 2022: Jenny (a NSP grad in our lab) receives “C. Ladd Prosser Award for the Best scientific achievement” for her graduate research from Neuroscience Program (NSP). Congratulations!

May 2022: Prof. Chung receives “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award” from Neuroscience Program (NSP) for her efforts on increasing the awareness and programs for DEI. Congratulations!

June 2022: Greg (a MCB grad in our lab)’s research on the behavioral phenotyping of KCNQ2 heterozygote knock-our mice got accepted to Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. Congratulations!

July 2022: Brian (a NSP grad in our lab)’s research on the homeostatic regulation of Kv7 channels at the AIS got accepted to Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. Congratulations!

August 2022: Brian (a NSP grad in our lab) accepted a fantastic job Senior Scientist offer at the Glaxo-Smith-Kline. Congratulations! We will miss Brian.

August 2022: Three new undergraduate students have joined our lab. Please welcome Hyorim, Joseph, and Graham!

November 2022: Jenny (a NSP grad in our lab) has successfully defended her thesis. Congratulations, Dr. Jennifer Walters!

December 2022: Jenny (a NSP grad in our lab)’s graduation ceremony. Jenny has graduated from our lab with PhD and “C. Ladd Prosser Award for the Best scientific achievement” Congratulations, Dr. Jennifer Walters! We will miss Jenny.

December 2022: Hayden and Elly (undergrad) have joined our lab. Please welcome, Hayden and Elly!


December 2021: Eung Chang (a postdoc in our lab)’s research on the behavioral phenotyping of KCNQ2 heterozygote knock-in mice harboring epileptic encephalopathy mutation got accepted to PNAS journal. Congratulations!

December 2021: Harish (a MCB undergrad in our lab) graduated with High Distinction for his MCB492 senior thesis.

October 2021: After Eung Chang  has worked in our lab as a postdoc for 6 years, he started his new postdoc position with Dr. Paul Selvin in the Department of Physics to perform Selvin-Chung labs’ collaborative research. He will still work in our lab sometimes, so we are lucky to continue our scientific interaction with him.

September 2021: Jiaren(a MCB grad in our lab)’s research on the identification of PIP2 binding sites in Kv7.2 channels got accepted to Communications Biology journal. Jiaren shared her co-first authorship with Shashank Pant in Dr. Emad Tajkhorshid’s lab and Eung Chang Kim. Congratulations!

August 2021: Prof Chung returns to the classroom to teach MCB461/Neur461 (Cell and Molecular Neuroscience) in person during COVID-19 pandemic.

June 2021: (1) Harish (a MCB undergrad in our lab) was awarded a prestigious Jenner’s Summer research fellowship from MCB. (2) Archit (a MCB undergrad in our lab) was awarded a prestigious MCB Summer undergraduate research fellowship. Congratulations, Harish and Archit!

May 2021: (1) Jiaren (a MCB grad in our lab) received an “Outstanding Graduate Thesis Award” for her Ph.D. thesis from the Department of Molecular and Intergrative Physiology. She also accepted a position as a a Senior Scientist II at WuXi Biologics in China.    (2) Eric Shin (a senior undergrad in our lab) received a prestigious “C. Ladd Prosser Outstanding Achievement Award” for his MCB492 undergraduate senior thesis from the Department of Molecular and Integrative Physiology (MIP) and graduated with Highest Distinction. (3) Diana Garcia (a MCB290 undergraduate student in our lab) has graduated as a MCB major, and got into the medical school. Congratulations, Jiaren, Eric, and Diana!

March 2021: Jiaren (a MCB grad in our lab) passed her thesis defense. Congratulations!

February 2021: Chung lab undergrad Angelina has been selected to receive one of seven Mayo Clinic Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) reserved for University of Illinois students at the Mayo Clinic. Congratulations!

January 2021: Two new MCB undergraduate students, Archit and Hyorim joined Chung lab to pursue MCB290 research. Welcome!


October 2020: Brian (a NSP grad in our lab)’s review paper on the role of Kv7 channel on neural plasticity and behavior  got accepted to Frontiers in Physiology journal. Congratulations!

September 2020: Jenny (a NSP grad in our lab) passed her qualifying exam. Congratulations!

August 2020: Brian (a NSP grad in our lab) and Jiaren (a MCB grad in our lab) passed their prelim exams. Congratulations!

June 2020: Diana Garcia (a MCB290 undergraduate student in our lab) has received Summer Undergraduate research fellowship to conduct research in our lab this summer. Congratulations!

June 2020: Labs were slowly opening with measures to combat COVID-19.

May 2020: Andrew Zhu (a MCB290 undergraduate student in our lab) has graduated as a MCB major. Congratulations!

March 2020: Jiaren (a MCB grad in our lab) ‘s research on the epilepsy mutation hotspots of KCNQ2  got accepted to Scientific Reports journal. Jiaren shared her co-first authorship with Eung Chang Kim and Congcong Chen. Congratulations!

March-May 2020: UIUC labs were shut down due to COVID Pandemic. 

February 2020: A NSP graduate student, Jennifer successfully completed her first year project presentation. Congratulations! 

January 2020: MCB undergraduate student, Harish joined Chung lab to pursue MCB290 research. Welcome!


November 2019: Greg (a third year MCB graduate student in our lab) passed his qualifying examination. Congratulations!

August 2019: MCB undergraduate students, Diana and Angelina, as well as MCB Master student, Braesen join Chung lab to pursue MCB290 and MCB 590 research. Welcome!

July 2019: Eung Chang (a postdoc in our lab)’s research on the behavioral phenotyping of KCNQ2 heterozygote knock-out mice got accepted to Genes, Brain, and Behavior journal. Congratulations!

June 2019: Jennifer (a grad in our lab) gave birth to a second son!  Congratulations!

May 2019: Sung-Soo Jang (a grad in our lab) has successfully defended his thesis and accepted a postdoc position at the Gladstone Institute, UCSF. Congratulations!

April 2019: (1) Jaimin (a senior undergrad in our lab) received a prestigious “Howard S. Ducoff Award for Outstanding Senior Thesis” from the Department of Molecular and Integrative Physiology (MIP).  (2)Julianne (a senior undergrad in our lab) has earned “Highest Distinction” and received a prestigious “William T. and Lynn Jackson Merit Award” for her outstanding thesis from the Department of Biochemistry. Julianna also will enter the PhD program in UCLA. Congratulations, Jaimin and Julianne.


December 2018: David Cao (an undergrad in our lab) has earned High Distinction for his senior research thesis from MCB. He also received an offer from Case Western University School of Medicine. Congratulations!

December 2018: Rebecca Choi (a former undergrad in our lab) has received an offer from University of Illinois Chicago Dental School. Congratulations!

November 2018: Brian (a NSP graduate student in our lab) passed his qualifying exam. Congratulations!

November 2018: Prof. Chung, her postdoc (Eung Chang), her graduate students (Sung-Soo and Jiaren) attended SFN Meeting, San Diego, CA. Their posters were well-attended. Check out the photos.

Sept 2018: Sung-Soo (a NSP graduate student in our lab) passed his preliminary exam. Congratulations!

August 2018: Jennifer Walters (a former research tech in our lab) has joined our lab as a first year Neuroscience Program (NSP) student. Welcome!

August 2018: Eung Chang’s research on epileptic encephalopathy mutations on KCNQ/Kv7 channels got published in Neurobiology of Disease. Congratulations!

July 2018: Jiaren, a second year MCB graduate student in our lab passed her qualifying examination. Congratulations!

July 2018: Sung-Soo (a NSP graduate student in our lab) started his AES Predoctoral Research Fellowship. Good luck!

June 2018: Allison Houghton (PRECS undergrad research fellow) joined our lab for summer research internship. Welcome!

May 2018: Rebecca, a senior undergraduate researcher in our lab earned Distinction for her senior thesis. Congratulations!

April 2018: Sung-Soo received Predoctoral Research Fellowship from American Epilepsy Society (AES) on his research proposal to examine the role of STEP in the regulation of intrinsic excitability. Congratulations!

April 2018: Two undergraduate students in Chung lab (David Cao and Justine Chee) received MCB summer research fellowship awards for their research proposal on investigating the molecular mechanisms underlying homeostatic intrinsic plasticity (David) and the role of STEP in the regulation of HCN channels (Justine). Congratulations!

April 2018: Once again, Prof. Chung, Sung-Soo, Brian, Jiaren, Greg, Rebecca, and Jaimin participated in annual Brain Awareness Day by hosting a “Neuron Craft” booth.

March 2018: Prof. Chung gave an invited research seminar at the Center for Neuromolecular Seminar  Series, Southern Research Institute.

January 2018: One new undergraduate student (Julianne Yang) joined our lab for her undergraduate research. Welcome!

January 2018: Brian (a NSP graduate student in our lab) started his NSF Research Traineeship in engineering and deciphering  of miniature brain machinery. Good luck!


December 2017: Gregory Tracy has joined our lab as a first year MCB graduate student. Welcome!

December 2017: Brian received NSF Research Traineeship in engineering and deciphering  of miniature brain machinery. Congratulations!

September 2017: Brian, Amanda, and Weilun’s research paper on GIRK channels got published in Scientific Reports. Congratulations!

August 2017: Weilun enters Cornell University PhD graduate program. Congratulations!

August 2017: Prof. Chung got promoted to Associate Professor with indefinite tenure. Congratulations!

August 2017: Sung-Soo’s research method paper got published in Journal of Visualized Experiments. Congratulations!

August 2017: Two new undergraduate students (David Cao and Justine Chee) joined our lab for their undergraduate research. Welcome!

July 2017: Prof. Chung and her graduate students (Sung-Soo, Brian, and Jiaren) attended FASEB Ion Channel Regulation Meeting, Steamboat Springs, CO. Prof. Chung gave an invited seminar at the Session “Ion Channels and Regulation of Gene Expression”. Sung-Soo, Brian, and Jiaren presented posters, which were well-attended.

June 2017: Ms. Staci Hammer (PRECS undergrad research fellow) joined our lab for summer research internship. Welcome!

June 2017: Ms. Jennifer Walters (former undergraduate researcher of Dr. Rhanor Gillette) joined our lab as a research technician. Welcome!

May 2017: Zhuoli and Weilun, senior undergraduate researchers in our lab earned Highest Distinction and High Distinction for their senior theses. Zhuoli received MIP “C. Ladd Prosser Outstanding Achievement Award” and BIOC “William T. and Lynn Jackson Senior Thesis Award”. Weilun received MIP “Howard Ducoff Prize for the Best Senior Thesis” and “Proctor & Gamble Award for Undergraduate Research”. Congratulations!

April 2017: Prof. Chung gave an invited research seminar at the Laboratory of Integrative Neuroscience Seminar Series, University of Illinois at Chicago.

April 2017: Prof. Chung, Sung-Soo, Brian, Jiaren, Amanda, Weilun, Zhuoli, Rebecca, and Jaimin participated in annual Brain Awareness Day by hosting a “Neuron Craft” booth.


December 2016: Jiaren Zhang joined our lab as a first year MCB student. Welcome, Jiaren!

November 2016: Prof. Chung and her whole lab (Eung Chang, Sung-Soo, Brian, Amanda, Weilun, and Zhuoli) attended the Society of Neuroscience Meeting 2016 in San Diego, CA.  Chung lab members presented posters that were well-attended.

September 2016: Prof. Chung gave a tenure seminar at the MIP departmental seminar series.

August 2016: Sung-Soo, a third year NSP graduate student in our lab passed his qualifying examination. Congratulations!

August 2016: Shuwei enters University of Illinois at Chicago Dental School.  Congratulations!

August 2016: Brain Baculis joined our lab as a first year NSP student. Welcome, Brian!

August 2016: Rebecca (who took a year off from school) is back to our lab as an undergrad researcher. Welcome back, Rebecca!

July 2016: Prof. Chung completed National Academies Summer Institute for Undergraduate Education and named 2016-17 National Academies Education Fellow.

July 2016: Han Gil “Hans” Jeong joins our lab as a research technician for both Prof. Chung and Dr. Graham Huesmann.

June 2016: Prof. Chung and her collaborator Dr. Graham Huesmann (Epileptologist and Neurologist, Carle Foundation Hospital) got awarded a Carle Illinois Collaborative Research Seed Grant Award. Congratulations!

June 2016: Prof. Chung, Sung-Soo, and Brian attended NIH-funded US-Japan Symposium in Synapses titled “Current Trends and Future Directions of Synaptic Plasticity Research”, Baltimore MD.  Prof. Chung gave an invited seminar. Sung-Soo and Brian presented posters.

June 2016: Weilun, a junior undergraduate student, is back from Sweden study abroad to Chung lab. Welcome back!

May 2016: Prof. Chung and her long-term collaborators (Dr. Paul Selvin and Dr. Andrew Smith) got awarded a 5-year R01 grant from National Institute of Health, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (2016-2021). Congratulations!

May 2016: Nick receives the acceptance letter from University of Illinois graduate school. Congratulations!

April 2016: Sung-Soo’s second research paper got published in Neural Plasticity. Congratulations!

April 2016: Mary and Han Gil, senior undergrad researchers earn Distinction and High Distinction for their senior theses. Congratulations!

April 2016: Prof. Chung, Sung-Soo, Amanda, Shuwei, and Nick participated in annual Brain Awareness Day by hosting a “Neuron Craft” booth.

March 2016: Sung-Soo’s review paper on homeostatic plasticity as well as Sung-Soo’s and Sara’s second paper got accepted to Neural Plasticity. Congratulations!


Dec 2015: Amanda Weiss has joined our lab as a research tech. Welcome!

Dec 2015: Shuwei, a senior undergraduate researcher, receives the acceptance letter from University of Illinois at Chicago and Marquette Dental Schools. Congratulations!

Nov 2015: Gun-Hee, our lab tech, receives the acceptance letter from Midwestern School of Ostheopathic Medicine. Congratulations!

Nov 2015: Zhuoli, a junior undergraduate researcher, receives James Scholar Preble Research Award from the LAS. Congratulations!

Oct 2015: Sung-Soo receives a predoctoral research award from the Association of Korean Neuroscientists at the Society of Neuroscience Meeting in 2015.  Congratulations!

Sept 2015: Sung-Soo, a third year graduate student in Chung lab, has his first research paper published in Molecular Brain Journal.  Congratulations!

Sept 2015: Weilun, a junior undergraduate researcher, has got into the Study Abroad Program in Stockholm University, Sweden. This is a competitive application. Congratulations!

Sept 2015: Shuwei and Gun-Hee received interview offers from several prestigious dental schools and medical schools, respectively. Congratulations!

June 2015: Gun-Hee who was a previous undergraduate researcher in Chung lab has joined our lab as a research tech. Welcome!

June 2015: Zhuoli, a junior majoring Biochemistry, has joined Chung lab to do undergraduate research. Welcome!

May 2015: Prof. Chung got awarded a 5-year R01 grant from National Institute of Health, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (2015-2020). Congratulations!

May 2015: Senior undergraduate students  in Chung lab, Dhruv Joshi and Seungbae Lee, will graduate with highest and high distinctions, respectively, for their senior thesis on their research in our lab. Congratulations!

April 2015: One more undergraduate student in Chung lab (Han Gil Jeong) have received MCB summer research fellowship awards for his research proposal on investigating the role of STEP in homeostatic plasticity. Congratulations!

April 2015: Sung-Soo, a second year graduate student in Chung lab, has submitted his first research paper to Molecular Brain Journal.  Congratulations! Let’s hope for  good constructive reviews.

April 2015: Senior undergraduate students  in Chung lab (Dhruv Joshi and Seungbae Lee) have successfully given oral presentation at Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS) of UIUC for their research in our lab.Congratulations!

April 2015: Once again, our lab has participated in “Brain Awareness Day” event at the Orpheum Children Museum in Champaign IL. Chung lab had a booth called “Neuron Craft”. Prof Chung and her graduate/undergraduate students have taught children (preschool, K-12) about specialized cellular structure and function of neurons using posters, movies, hands-on craft activities to make a model neuron.

March 2015:  Senior undergraduate students  in Chung lab (Dhruv Joshi and Seungbae Lee) have been selected to give oral presentation at Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS) of UIUC for their research on the regulation of KCNQ channels by epileptic encephalopathy mutations and neuronal activity. Congratulations!

March 2015: Three female undergraduate students in Chung lab (Weilun Pang, Shuwei Wang, and Mary Hong) have received MCB summer research fellowship awards for their research proposal on investigating the molecular mechanisms underlying axonal targeting of KCNQ channels. Congratulations!

January 2015: Rebecca Choi and Han Gil Jeong joined our lab to do undergraduate research through MCB290.  Welcome!

January 2015: Sung-Soo Jang successfully presents his first year project meeting at the Neuroscience Program Seminar.


December 2014: Kwan Young Lee’s paper gets accepted in “Molecular Brain” journal. Congratulations!

December 2014: Chung Lab attends the American Epilepsy Society Meeting. Sung-Soo Jang presents his poster on STEP project with the MCB290 undergraduate student,  Seung Bae Lee.  Prof. Chung presented John Cavaretta’s poster on the characterization of epileptic encephalopathy mutation project.

August 2014: Weilun Pang and Shuwei Wang joined our lab to do undergraduate research through MCB290.  Welcome!

July 2014: John Cavaretta’s paper gets accepted in “PLOS ONE” journal. Kwan Young Lee’s paper gets accepted in “Neuroscience” journal. Congratulations!

May 2014: Graduation of our lab’s undergraduate research assistants, Gunhee Lee and Ashley Czaplicki.

May 2014: Dhruv Joshi and Seungbae Lee awarded summer undergraduate research fellowship awards from the School of MCB, University of Illinois, to do research in our lab.

May 2014: Prof. Chung awarded James E. Heath Award for excellence in teaching in Physiology from the School of MCB, University of Illinois.


August 2013: Prof. Chung awarded Targeted Research Initiative for Severe Symptomatic Epilepsies Grant Award from Epilepsy Foundation.

August 2013: Sung-Soo Jang joined our lab as a first year NSP student.

May 2013: Graduation of our lab’s undergraduate research assistants, Edward Kim and Seung-Du Baek. Edward and Seung-Du graduated with Highest Distinction and Distinction, respectively, for their undergraduate research senior thesis.

April 2013: Edward Kim awarded Howard S. Ducoff Prize for Best Senior Thesis.


October 2012: John Cavaretta joined our lab as a lab manager.

October 2012: The lab went to SFN meeting in New Orleans. Prof. Chung gave an invited seminar at the symposium whereas Kwan Young presented his poster.

August 2012: Ashley Czaplicki and Gunhee Lee joined our lab to do their MCB 290 undergraduate research.

Summer 2012: Max Crouse joined our lab to do MCB290 undergraduate research.

May 2012: Graduation of our lab’s undergraduate research assistants, Max Vest, Han Sol Oh, Daniel Ley, and Ralph Bartley. Max Han Sol graduated with Highest Distinction and Distinction, respectively, for their undergraduate research senior thesis.

April 2012: Max Vest awarded the prestigious “Procter & Gamble Award” and “Howard S. Ducoff Prize for Best Senior Thesis” on his undergraduate research in our lab.

April 2012: Han Sol Oh awarded “C. Ladd Prosser Outstanding Achievement Award” for her senior thesis on her undergraduate research in our lab.

January 2012: Edward Kim joined our lab to do IPS undergraduate research.


December 2011: Sara Royston awarded Predoctoral Fellowship from Epilepsy Foundation.

November 2011: The lab went to SFN meeting in Washington DC. Prof. Chung gave an invited seminar at the symposium whereas Sara and Kaitlyn presented their posters.

November 2011: Seung Du Baek joined our lab to do MCB 290 undergraduate research.

June 2011: Ralph Bartley joined our lab to do MCB 290 undergraduate research.

April 2011: Prof. Chung awarded Young Investigator Award from Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust.

April 2011: The lab went to Cold Spring Harbor meeting “Synapses: from Molecules to Circuits & Behaviors”, and presented their posters.

February 2011: Prof. Chung awarded Basil O’Connor Starter Scholar Research Award from March of Dimes Foundation.


October 2010: Kaitlyn Sherer joined our lab as a first year NSP student.

August 2010: Sara Royston joined our lab as a first year NSP student, and Han Sol Oh joined our lab to do MCB 290 undergraduate research.

June 2010: Daniel Ley and Max Vest joined our lab to do MCB 290 undergraduate research.