

May 2024: Chung lab brunch party at the Pekara Bakery to celebrate the graduation of 2 undergraduate students, Emma and Andrea. We also celebrated Emma’s and Ki’s acceptance to medical schools (U of I Chicago, SIU) and Andrea’s acceptance to the graduate school at the Washington University, St. Louis. While Ki and Andrea will stay in the summer for research, we will miss Emma! We welcome a new postdoc, Dr. Tanveer Singh, to our lab.


Dec 2023: Chung lab Christmas party with yummy breakfast and secret Santa game at the Harvest market restaurant. Logan definitely got his favorite surprise gift that encourages drinking wine! (but wait, he is not 21 years old yet). We congratulated Thaddeus for his successful completion of research internship and welcomed a new NSP graduate student, Sahil Malpotra.

Nov 2023: The SFN open house at Beckman Institute. Hayden (the second year NSP grad student in the Chung lab) presented his research on the role of STEP in seizure propensity and regulation of HCN2 channels.

Nov 2023: The MCB undergraduate research symposium where Joseph (senior MCB undergrad student in the Chung lab) presented his research on the changes in STEP expression and activity by status epilepticus induced in repeated kainate model of temporal lobe epilepsy in mice.

Sept 2023: The Chung lab participates in the KCNQ2 Cure Summit meeting at the Northwestern University School of Medicine. Dr. Chung was an invited speaker. Below, Greg Tracy, our recent PhD from our lab, presented his most recent exciting and unpublished research on KCNQ channels.

Sept 2023: The Chung lab hiking trip to the Turkey Run State Park, Indiana. From left to right (Ki, Hayden, Thaddaeus, Joseph).

May 2023: Greg’s U of I Graduation Ceremony at State Farm Center, and his graduation party at the restaurant Antica, Champaign. We will miss you, Greg!

April 2023: At MCB graduate research retreat, Chung lab grad (Greg, MIP) and undergrads (Emma, Anisha, Archit, MCB) presented their research by posters. Great job!


December 2022: Jenny’s Graduation with PhD. The UIUC Winter PhD graduation ceremony was wonderful and uplifting!

December 2022: Chung lab had a Christmas lunch party with secret Santa game at a yummy Korean restaurant. Good to have some fun!

October 2022: Department of Molecular and Integrative Physiology (MIP) Retreat and MCB undergraduate research symposium. At the MIP retreat, Greg gave a fantastic oral presentation on his research on the learning and memory behavior of KCNQ2 knockout mice, whereas Emma and Archit presented their undergraduate research progresses via poster presentation. Anisha presented her research during MCB undergraduate research symposium.

July 2022: Chung lab had a brunch party to celebrate Greg’s fantastic paper on the learning and memory behavior of KCNQ2 knockout mice in Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience journal, Brian’s paper on the homeostatic regulation of Kv7 channels at the axonal initial segments in Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience journal, and Brian’s graduation with PhD and awesome job offers from top biopharm companies. Because it is summer, the whole lab was not present, but nonetheless we had a good time. We took this photo after the brunch at the Central Quad of our beautiful university.

May 2022: Chung lab had a brunch party to celebrate Jenny’s fantastic paper on STEP inhibitor in Epilepsia journal, Emma’s summer research fellowship award from MCB, Brian’s graduation with PhD from NSP, and Angelina’s graduation with Highest Distinction and C. Ladd Prosser Award for her senior thesis. We took this photo before the brunch in Urbana.


December 2021: Chung lab had a Christmas lunch party with secret Santa and celebrated Eung Chang’s PNAS paper, Jiaren and Shashank’s paper in Communication Biology, and Harish’s graduation with High Distinction. *We were wearing masks all the time except for a photo shoot.

May 2021: Chung Lab has been working at almost full capacity due to the vaccinations of the lab members. We got together at the outdoor picnic to celebrate Dr. Jiaren Zhang’s graduation and fantastic job as a senior scientist in China. Prof. Chung also attended her graduation hooding ceremony. *We were wearing masks all the time except for a photo shoot.


October 2020: Year 2020 was a difficult year for all of us due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The lab was closed in early spring to summer, and the lab has slowly went back to about 50% capacity with social distancing, staggered in-lab work schedule, and remote working. On a warm October day, Chung lab was able to get together for a picnic at Noel Park, Champaign with masks and social distancing to celebrate Jiaren’s paper in Scientific Reports.


December 2019: Chung lab went out to Lao Sze Chuan Chinese Restaurant Christmas lunch party and secret Santa. Merry Christmas everyone!

April 2019: Brain Awareness Day at Orpheum Museum. Prof. Chung took the participating lab members to the restaurant “Black Dog” to thank them for their outreach volunteer work.


December 2018: Chung lab went out to Cafe Benne for Greg’s baby shower and Christmas brunch party. Merry Christmas everyone!

November 2018: Chung lab members participated at the SFN meeting 2018 in the San Diego, CA. Eung Chang (postdoc), Jiaren (a  MCB/MIP graduate student), Sung-Soo (a NSP graduate student) gave poster presentations which were well-received.

May 2018: Chung lab members participated at the Department of Molecular and Integrative Physiology retreat 2018 at the beautiful Allerton Park. Jiaren (a second year MCB/MIP graduate student) in our lab gave a fantastic talk on her research findings. Greg (a first year MCB/MIP graduate student) in our lab enjoyed the scientific content and the scavenger hunt of our MIP annual retreat.

April 2018: Brain Awareness Day at Orpheum Museum. Prof. Chung took the participating lab members to the restaurant “Black Dog” to thank them for their outreach volunteer work.


December 2017: Chung lab went out to Cocomero for Jennifer’s baby shower, secret Santa gifts, and Christmas party.

October 2017: Chung lab gives a surprise “congratulations on tenure” cake and a hand-drawn card (by Brian) to Prof. Chung. There was also a powerpoint presentation of videos from Congcong, Weilun, and Shuwei. Thank you, Chung lab!

May 2017: Weilun and Zhuoli graduated with high and highest distinction as well as best thesis awards from MIP and BIOC. Proud Prof Chung!

April 2017: Brain Awareness Day at Orpheum Museum. Prof. Chung took the lab to the restaurant “Black Dog” to thank the lab for their outreach volunteer work.



December 2016: Chung lab Christmas Lunch at Harvest Market Restaurant. Shuwei came with a delicious cake from Chicago to attend our lab lunch.

May 2016: Chung-Bolton joint lab brunch at “Pekara” to celebrate the graduation of Dr. Eric Bolton’s graduate student Congcong Chen,  and Dr. Chung’s undergraduate students Shuwei, Nick, Han Gil, and Mary. Han Gil and Mary earned graduation with High Distinction and Distinction for their senior theses, respectively. Gunhee and Shuwei will go to Medical and Dental School, respectively.

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April 2016: Chung lab participates in Brain Awareness Day at Orpheum Museum by hosting a “Neuron Craft” booth.

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April 2016: Chung lab went to MIP departmental retreat at the Allerton Retreat Center and enjoyed some serious science as well as scavenge hunt.









December 2015: Chung-Bolton lab Christmas dinner at Buffalo Wild-Wings Restaurant, where we enjoyed wings as true carnivores and did Secret Santa Gift exchanges.


November 2015: Sung-Soo receives a predoctoral research award from the Association of Korean Neuroscientists at the SFN 2015 meeting in Chicago. Congratulations!


September 2015: Chung-Bolton Joint Lab Dinner to celebrate publications of Sung-Soo (Chung lab) and Congcong (Bolton lab) at  fantastic Chinese restaurant “Golden Harbor”.


May 2015: Chung lab dinner at “Spoon House” in the middle of thunderstorm to celebrate graduation of Dhruv and Seungbae with high distinction, and John’s move to New Mexico.


photoMay 2015: At MCB Award Ceremony, senior undergraduate students (Dhruv and Seungbae) were awarded graduation with highest and high distinction, respectively. Dhruv and Seungbae also gave research seminars at the UIUC Undergraduate Research Symposium. 

Four junior undergraduate students in Chung lab  (Weilun Pang, Shuwei Wang, Mary Hong, and Han Gil Jeong) were awarded MCB summer research fellowships. Congratulations!



April 2015: Chung lab participates in Brain Awareness Day at Orpheum Museum by hosting a “Neuron Craft” booth. After the hard work, Chung lab went to Pekara Bakery for dinner.




December 2014: Sung-Soo presented his poster on the regulation of STEP during homeostatic plasticity and electroconvulsive seizures at American Epilepsy Society Meeting.


October 2014: Chung-Bolton lab day trip to “The 200 Acres”, a famous Pumpkin patch located at Arthur, IL.

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May-July 2014: Chung lab brunch at “Courier Cafe” in Urbana to celebrate graduation of Gunhee and Ashley. Chung lab lunch at “Sakanaya” sushi restaurant to celebrate the publications of John and Kwan Young, and the photo in front of the beautiful UIUC Quad.





Fall 2013: Chung-Bolton lab dinner to “Pekara” to congratulate Edward’s departure to UT Southwestern for a research technician position.

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Chung lab undergrads with Edward.

May 2013: Chung lab summer fun at the UIUC bowling to celebrate graduation of Seung Dr and Edward. At this bowling, Edward won the game and made the lowers (Gunhee) eat the stinky blue cheese.



May 2012: Chung lab lunch at the “Black Dog” restaurant to celebrate graduation of Max, HanSol, and Ralph, as well as Kaitlyn’s departure to Michigan to pursue Vet School.



