
MCB461 / Neur461 (Cell and Molecular Neuroscience)

Since 2011, Prof. Chung has been delivering all lectures of MCB461 / Neur461 (Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience)(http://www.life.illinois.edu/mcb/461/), which is a core neuroscience course for upper undergraduate and graduate students.  Prof. Chung designed this course to facilitate students (1) to understand the fundamental knowledge on cellular and molecular neurobiology and (2) to critically evaluate hypothesis-driven scientific research. The first 2 lectures of each week cover an in-depth fundamental knowledge on cellular and molecular neurobiology. In the last lecture of each week, Prof. Chung and students will read and discuss a landmark scientific literature that became the basis of such knowledge or that investigated the pathogenesis of neurologic disorders.  This course is offered on 3 times a week (MWF) every Fall semester. For more information, please visit https://app.mcb.illinois.edu/courses/detail/184/.

May 2014: For her teaching of MCB461 / Neur461, Prof. Chung got awarded James E. Heath Award for excellence in teaching in Physiology from the University of Illinois.

July 2016: Prof. Chung completed National Academies Summer Institute for Undergraduate Education and named 2016-17 National Academies Education Fellow.

Since 2011, Prof. Chung made the list of Teachers ranked as “Excellent” in 2011-2012, 2015, 2017-2018, 2021-2023.  See the most recent post at : https://minibrain.beckman.illinois.edu/tag/hee-jung-chung/

Neur542 (Interdisciplinary Approaches to Neuroscience I)

2015-2019: Prof. Chung delivers 3 lectures on “Neurophysiology” section in Neur542 (Interdisciplinary Approaches to Neuroscience I) which was previously Neur598 (Graduate level Neuroscience I and II) in 2015-2017. This course is a core neuroscience course for the graduate students in Neuroscience Program and team-taught by multiple neuroscience program faculty. This course covered topics on the evolution of the nervous system, and cognitive, behavioral and clinical neuroscience. Formally known as Neur598.

2021-present: The Neur542 course format has changed to a discussion-based class. Prof. Chung has led 1 discussion class in Neur542.

NEUR 520 MBM (Adv Topics in Neuroscience)

Prof. Chung delivered 1-2 lectures on Neur520 MBM (Adv Topics in Neuroscience) in 2018-2023. This course is taught by multiple neuroscience program faculty  involved in “Understanding the Brain: Training the Next Generation of Researchers in Engineering and Deciphering of Miniature Brain Machinery”. This course discussed current research and intervention in modern neuroscience (the main course administrator and instructor: Drs. Martha Gillette, Hyun Joon Kong).